Hi everyone, and a warm welcome to new subscribers!
I will now proceed to satisfy your curiosity as inspired by the email subject, one item at a time. 🧐
It's day 19 of the Gender Census, there are 12 days remaining, and there have been over 34,000 responses from 131 countries! You can see some graphs and statistics about that here, I'm updating it once or twice per day, here's a taster:
I've also run, closed and written up a mini-survey of just over 2,000 respondents (cis, trans, binary, nonbinary, and everything else) on their pronouns - a little more nuanced than the big annual survey, asking participants to rank various pronoun sets. Click here to read the short-ish results blog post.
So, it looks like we may not make 40,000 responses this year, but that could all change if you follow the steps in the last section... :D
If you haven't taken part yet, this is your reminder that there's less than 2 weeks left.
The 2022 Gender Census survey is now open!
It is open to anyone, in any country, of any age, whose experience of their gender doesn't fit tidily into the strict binary of female/male. It seeks broad statistical data about the language we use to refer to ourselves in English, e.g. pronouns, identity words, titles. The results will be made public for use in activism, self-advocacy, business and academia.
If you're into that kind of thing, click here to take part: survey.gendercensus.com
As always, it's really important to me that this survey reaches as many people as possible from outside of the usual social network bubble, to make sure the results represent a really broad group of people. We're entirely reliant on word-of-mouth, so anything you can do to share the survey link online, offline, postally, by carrier pigeon, all of it is extremely helpful. The more unusual the route, the better.
Please do feel free to forward this email to anyone you think might be interested. (If you're reading this because someone has forwarded the email to you, please consider subscribing to the mailing list yourself - it's only 3-4 emails per year.)
If you want to help more, here are some links for easy sharing. This volunteer-run, crowdfunded project doesn't pay for any advertising at all, and the >44,000 responses last year were gathered entirely by social networking, personal recommendation, and flyers distributed by lovely supporters.
You can:
For more information, see our website, gendercensus.com.
Thank you everyone!
Gender Census
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PS: Chances are you probably signed up to this mailing list initially via TinyLetter, and it would help me a lot if you would be up for clicking here to renew your subscription and confirm that you give consent for me to email you.
Emails are sent out about 3-4 times per year: when the survey opens, when the survey is about to close, when the results are published, and when crowdfunding is open. Unsubscribe by clicking here.