Hi everyone,

The 2023 Gender Census survey is now open!

This survey is open to anyone, in any country, of any age, whose experience of their gender doesn't fit tidily into the strict binary of female/male. It seeks broad statistical data about the language we use to refer to ourselves in English, e.g. pronouns, identity words, titles. The results will be made public for use in activism, self-advocacy, business and academia.

If you're into that kind of thing, click here to take part: survey.gendercensus.com

Please do feel free to forward this email to anyone you think might be interested. It will stay open until at least 9th May 2023.

If you want to help more, here are some links for easy sharing. This volunteer-run, crowdfunded project doesn't pay for any advertising at all, and the >40,000 responses last year were gathered entirely by word-of-mouth.

You can:

For more information, see our website, gendercensus.com.


While I'm here... 

There's currently a crowdfunder running to support Ryan Castellucci in their case against the UK government. Ryan is fighting to have their legal gender recorded correctly by the government, as UK law requires them to do, and it would open the door to all nonbinary genders being recognised by the government. It's a cause that's important for a lot of nonbinary people in the UK, and it's close to my heart.

It sounds like Ryan has a pretty good case, but of course as with any crowdfunder it's not a sure thing. If you have a few quid to spare (or dollars/euros/other!), you could be part of the story about how TERF Island joined at least 18 other nations in recognising nonbinary genders in state-issued identity documents. (And if you're not able to contribute financially, a Mastodon boost or a Tumblr reblog goes a long way.)


Thank you everyone!



Gender Census
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Emails are sent out about 3-4 times per year: when the survey opens, when the survey is about to close, when the results are published, and when crowdfunding is open. Unsubscribe by clicking here.